Some tech companies have taken a swipe at Apple after their latest release. After Huawei mocked Apple on Twitter another Chinese company Xiaomi has made a direct hit at Apple by releasing three new product bundles in China called the XR Suit, XS Suit and the XS Max Suit. These three product bundles includes a Xiaomi top smartphone, a laptop, a fitness band, and Bluetooth headset.
To mock Apple, the price of each bundle has been set exactly the starting price of the iPhone models they are named after. By doing this, Xiaomi is asking “why pay for one phone when you can enjoy four top products for the same price?”
This includes the Xiaomi Mi 8 SE smartphone, a 12.5-inch Mi Notebook Air, the Mi Band 3, and the Mi Bluetooth Mini Headset. This bundle is priced at CNY 6,499 ($749), which is the starting price of the iPhone XR in China.
This Xiaomi bundle includes the high end Xiaomi Mi MIX 2S (8GB/256GB) smartphone, a 13.3-inch Mi Notebook Air, a Mi Band 3, and a Mi Bluetooth Mini Headset. It is priced at CNY 8,699 ($1266 approximately), which is the price of the base model of the iPhone XS in the China.
This response by Xiaomi is their own bold way of saying “Hey people, you can actually enjoy four high end gadgets for the price of the new iPhones. The irony of it is that, the mouth watering bundles are only available in China.
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